Verkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri (Iceland)
Verkmenntaskólinn á Akureyri (VMA) is an upper secondary school located in Akureyri - "the capital of the north" in Iceland. Students at the school are on average around 1300 - of which 300 are in remote learning programs in over 40 subjects. The educational choices that are available to students are extremely varied; general studies, culinary studies, assistant nursing, sports, engineering, studies for students with disabilities, hairdressing, construction, mechanics and metal industries, electricity and electronics. The department of electricity and electronics is taking part of ELECOTEAM - and are always looking for new ways to keep the teaching methods varied, exciting and green.

Icelandic team of teachers: Guðmundur Geirsson, Haukur Eiríksson, Ari Baldursson, Óskar Ingi Sigurðsson, Björn Gunnar Hreinsson, Magni Magnússon.

Agora Roermond - Stichting Onderwijs Midden Limburg (Netherlands)
About the school: Coming soon

Instituto de Enseñanza Secundaria Santa Lucia (Spain)
IES Santa Lucia si a public school located in the southeast of Gran Canaria island. We offer General Secondary as well as Vocational Training at Basic, Medium and Superior level. Since 1975 we are committed to the education and training of our students. In spite of the distance from Europe, our school has a deep European dimension. IES Santa Lucia has participated for many years in European Projects, in order to improve the education and trainig of our students, to exchange of good teaching practices, and for better understanding of the European reality.

Spanish team of teachers: Raquel, Orlando, Manuel, Monica, Carmelo, Yaiza, Bruno, Luis.

Šolski center Celje (Slovenia)
Our school (Secondary school of Chemistry, Electrical Engineering and Computing Engineering) is a part of a large school centre, named School Centre Celje, which is a modern educational centre educating for the economic needs of our local community. It prepares students for further studies at higher vocational colleges and at university.
School center Celje have: over 3000 students every year in 30 programs, 800 higher students, over 1000 adults in the various programs of formal and informal education and training, 309 employees, most highly qualified teachers in various professional fields.

İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Mesleki ve Teknik Anadolu Lisesi (Turkey)
About the school: Coming soon

Budapesti Muszaki Szakképzési Centrum Egressy Gábor Két Tanítási Nyelvu Technikum (Hungary)
Gábor Egressy Bilingual Secondary School is an English-Hungarian bilingual vocational school of IT, Electronics and Sports. It has been operating as an educational institution since 1956. As a bilingual school, we teach Maths, IT or Electronics in Hungarian and in English, and we also have a subject called the civilisation of the English-speaking countries. At present there are approximately 550 students attending our school, mainly boys and about 60 teachers and other members of the technical/admin staff. About half of the subjects are taught in groups, i.e. 15 students per group. We have always been interested in getting to know and keeping in touch with other cultures’ members that’s why we are open and willing to participate in this European project as well.